Sunday, 29 March 2009

Shepreth L-moor and Amwell

An early morning visit to Shepreth produced little, but an afternoon visit in the sun to Amwell with the boys was much more productive…

Little Ringed Plover x 2
Ringed Plover x 2
Redshank x 2
Snipe x c.10
Goldeneye – male.
Sand Martin x c.20
Cetti’s Warbler
– heard.

An Hebrew Character moth was in the garden in the evening.

Saturday, 28 March 2009


Awoke early and was at Fowlmere before 7am. Three Chiffchaffs were bravely singing in the strong North-westerly winds and rain. As expected, not a lot else was. However, I did hear an unusual call coming from the reed-bed. I can only assume it to be a Water Rail. I took a recording and it was indeed confirmed to be one.

I returned later in the afternoon for a brief visit (first free day for some time) and saw a Buzzard being mobbed by a couple of Crows, but little else despite the improvement to the weather.

Went to Therfield Heath hoping to find some Wheaters, but on arrival the rain came again and the wind picked up. Two Grey Partridges was all I had to show in about two hours of searching. Pasque Flowers were out, but in smaller numbers than previous years.

Thursday, 26 March 2009


Tom found a male Blackcap in the garden feeding on fat. The second migrant for me so far this year, and both in the garden!

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Grey Partridges

Two Grey Partridges flushed from fields between the house and railway station this afternoon.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Wicken Fen

In the area, so popped in to Wicken Fen for a couple of hours on a sunny spring afternoon. Three Little Egrets were seen and as three Cetti’s Warblers were also noted, with one seen well.

An early Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla moth was in the children’s bedroom in the evening.

Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Chiffchaff and Red Kites

The spring’s first migrant was a singing Chiffchaff, heard in the garden today, though not seen. Brimstones were out in good numbers with several seen at various locations.

Late afternoon I went with the kids on a Fowlmere Bullfinches trip to see Red Kites coming to roost in Northamptonshire (on the road between Brigstock and Benefield.) About fifty birds were seen before we tried and failed to see Owls (though a Barn Owl was seen by some.)

Sunday, 8 March 2009


A day of bright sunshine and heavy hail showers. A Woodcock at dusk was the only bird of note.

Friday, 6 March 2009


A Barn Owl showed very closely at Fowlmere in the evening.

Monday, 2 March 2009


Pheasant! A long- awaited garden tick. Bird number 49.