Though spending less than an hour there, Fowlmere at midday was quite good. Excellent views of two Bearded Tits, a Brambling, and this confiding Red Admiral…

Then, possessed by madness*, I undertook an eight mile walk through farmland in a desperate attempt to find a Lapland Bunting for Herts. The route was: Start in Royston. Walked south along the Hertfordshire Way to Reed. West to Reed End. North along the Icknield Way. North-east along the east edge of Therfield Heath to Royston. No Lapland Buntings (as expected), but four species of raptor (Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, five Buzzards, and two Red Kites.) Also twelve Red-legged Partridges, seven Yellowhammers, three Corn Buntings, and a Red Admiral.
Looking north towards Cambridge at the start of the Icknield Way
*Probably induced by hearing the delayed news of an American Bittern been present on the Land’s End peninsula the whole time I had been in Cornwall and then changing my mind at the last minute the previous night and not driving down as it hadn’t appeared to go to roost, only for it to fly from its roost this morning.