Sunday, 31 July 2011


LinnetAnother walk with Michelle, this time late morning until early afternoon. Similar, just the usual Turtle Doves , Linnets etc. and the following larger dragonflies:

Migrant Hawker
Brown Hawker
Common Darter

Swifts notable by their absence. Both at Fowlmere and in the garden. I didn’t hear them last night (though did the night before) but then I was in a deep sleep.


Later in the afternoon, this Migrant Hawker flew inside the house.

Migrant Hawker

Saturday, 30 July 2011


A walk with Michelle late afternoon. Not much. Just two Turtle Doves.

Thursday, 28 July 2011


The Swifts left about a week ago, but at least two birds roosted in the house last night. I not sure they were there from nightfall as I didn’t here them at bed-time, but they certainly woke me in the early hours. Numbers lower in the last few days locally.

Monday, 25 July 2011


A walk around Fowlmere shortly before dusk produced three Barn Owls on the nestbox: An adult with two fully fledged young birds. A Hobby was also hawking above the mere.

Saturday, 23 July 2011


Three Quail (one seen briefly) at Deadman’s Hill. Also a Red Kite.

Sunday, 17 July 2011


A couple of Turtle Doves and an Emperor Dragonfly was about it, and the Common Rosefinch was still just down the road. Some half decent photos though…




Turtle Dove

Great Spotted Woodpecker Great Spotted Woodpecker

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Big Butterfly Count

The torrential and continuous rain eventually stopped around 6pm so I ventured into the garden with Tom to take part in the Big Butterfly Count. Four species…


Also, an Emperor Dragonfly.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Greenshank at Daventry Reservoir

A Greenshank. Not a Greater Yellowlegs. Enough said.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Common Rosefinch in Melbourn!

Was passing with Michelle and Tom so decided to pop-in for second views of the Common Rosefinch and allow them a look.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Common Rosefinch in Melbourn!

An amazing find! A Common Rosefinch in Melbourn! News was very slow to be released but after an initial dip with Tom and Marcus Kohler, the three of us returned in the evening when it had been re-found. Not the most exciting of individuals (obviously first-summer male; it was constantly singing) but a new bird for Tom only a mile or so away from home. A couple of photos by James Hanlon can be found here and here.

A Yellow Wagtail and a good number of House Sparrows were also seen whilst searching for the Rosefinch.

Saturday, 9 July 2011


Grey HeronA late afternoon visit. Pretty much the same selection of birds as last time: Turtle Dove (family party), Kingfisher (pair). Also a Grey Heron and a Buzzard. Nine Hares were in an adjacent field.


Wednesday, 6 July 2011


A short visit (first for ages) first thing. Blustery conditions but a Turtle Dove family party showed nicely by the hide and the first Kingfisher for ages was seen. A (probable) Bank Vole was also noted as well as a Migrant Hawker.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Migrant Hawker

One in the “Flying Pig”, Cambridge, whilst enjoying a lunchtime drink.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Fleam Dyke

Went for a walk with the family along the whole length of Fleam Dyke between Balsham and Fulbourn. Hard work! Seven miles in the midday sun. Some nice chalk plants were seen such as Lady’s Bedstraw and Clustered Belflower as well as a good number of butterfly species: Essex Skipper, Common Skipper, Small White, Green-veined White, Meadow Brown, and Painted Lady.