Went with Sam. Jack Snipe. That’s it!
Cambridge Botanic Gardens29 March 2012 13:19 - 13:38
Sunny 17C 7N
29 March 2012 18:22 - 19:22
Sunny 15C 7N
Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Teal, Mallard, Pheasant, Little Grebe,
Went with Sam. Jack Snipe. That’s it!
Cambridge Botanic GardensWent late afternoon to try to get the Jack Snipe that I had been told about. No luck, but got the year’s first Sand Martin.
FowlmereNot lot to get excited about. Took an okay picture of a Grey Heron.
Botanic Gardens in Cambridge during a lunch break to do some photography. Brimstone seen, and a Peacock in the garden later that afternoon.
First butterflies of the year: Two Small Tortoishells in tandem. Daffodils looked nice too.
After a football match at Burwell, I went with Sam to the nearby fen area around Reach, Burwell, and Upware area to look for Short-eared Owl. Proved to be an excellent hour or so, seeing five in total, as well as a Little Owl. Also seen was a male Marsh Harrier, and the Upware bridge, eight Little Grebes (four pairs) and two Little Egrets.
Went for a walk with Sam after his football training nearby in order to check for early Wheatears. None seen, and only a few Pasque Flowers in flower.
TherfieldA pre-work visit to Fowlmere first thing, and a good one. Two singing Chiffchaffs on the way to the hide, and a female Wigeon on the mere when I arrived. But best was just after I left when I got a call to say that two Shelducks had flown in (a Fowlmere mega). Just made it back in time before they flew off.
FowlmereWent out with Tom late afternoon for Water Pipits at Sutton Gault, and Cranes at Guyhirn. Both took a bit of finding (the Cranes the site rather than the birds). At least one of the former, but more likely four (very difficult to see for sure in the long grass whether the other birds were Water Pipit or Meadow Pipit), and six of the later.
Sutton GaultA walk around with Michelle at dusk. A single Hen Harrier (the juvenile I think) was the highlight. The Pied Wagtail count got to at least thirty, and the usual Cetti’s Warbler was heard.
FowlmereA good evening, with the long-staying adult female Hen Harrier being joined by a juvenile bird. The juvenile was more active than the female though the female did leave her roost for about ten minutes when the two could be seen side by side (they tussled at one point), allowing for an excellent comparison.
Also at least nineteen Pied Wagtails roosting, around 250 Starlings, and the Cetti’s Warbler and Tawny Owl heard.
FowlmereEventually gave up and went to Kent for the female Hooded Merganser at Whetsted gravel pits (Five Oak Green) in Kent. Fully winged, un-ringed etc. etc.
WhetstedFowlmere first thing before domestic duties. Four Lapwings were the highlight: One that seemed settled on the mere with a pair from nearby fields mobbing it, followed by another bird from the fields joining in. Cetti’s Warbler heard etc. and the stand-off between Fox and Greylag Geese. A Stoat added to the mammal activity.