Just a single juvenile Hobby at Folwmere Road this evening at dusk.
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Monday, 29 September 2014
Sunday, 28 September 2014
A free day. And despite feeling awful due to a flu-like cold, and despite oversleeping because of the flu-like cold, and despite unpromising weather conditions for migrants, I decided to hit the coast. Hard work. Virtually no migrants: Three Chiffchaffs heard; some Swallows heard; a Wheatear and a Whinchat; and finally the only winter migrants being three Brent Geese heading south over the sea.
Still good fun trying and included a Purple Sandpiper, and a Great White Egret (seen twice in flight), but the weather was more suitable for butterflies like this Small Copper and Common Blue…
Also took a few half decent recordishy-type-shots…
…and a couple of better ones…
…and came ever so close to taking a decent picture of a Bearded Tit, but it unfortunately put its head behind some reeds at the last moment…
This Grass Snake was nice to see too…
Saturday, 27 September 2014
Just a single juvenile Hobby this evening. When I arrived a Buzzard was sitting on it’s usual spot. However, the Hobby flew from the roosting tree near the path, and mobbed the Buzzard, who moved on. The Hobby then went and sat in it’s other roosting spot on the far side of the field.
Friday, 26 September 2014
Two juvenile Hobbys in their usual spot. Earlier in the day I’d made an attempt at a Gannet at Wilstone that had hung around for a couple of hours. I should have left earlier, as the bird departed when I was about ten minutes away.
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
The two juvenile Hobbys back at Fowlmere Road having gone missing yesterday. Folwmere first thing was typically quiet, though three parties of Swallows were seen flying due south.
Monday, 22 September 2014
Two juvenile Hobbys again at Fowlmere Road at dusk. Usual bits ‘n’ bobs in the Botanic Gardens at lunchtime.
Cambridge Botanic Gardens22 September 2014 13:13 - 13:37
Sunny 18C 2N
Blackbird, Blue Tit, Coot, Goldcrest, Long-tailed Tit, Magpie, Mallard, Moorhen, Robin, Woodpigeon, Migrant Hawker
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Fowlmere, Hobby, and Collared Dove
Just a single juvenile Hobby along Fowlmere Road late afternoon. In the morning I went to Fowlmere. Typically quiet, though I did have Pied Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, and Yellow Wagtail. Picking apples in the garden with Sam, we disturbed a nesting pair of Collared Doves. Didn’t know they were there. Nest looks extremely flimsy (hope we didn’t make it worse by shaking the branches). One of the adults came back and sat on it, so hopefully alright, though very late.
Friday, 19 September 2014
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Fowlmere Geese
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
World Mammal List
Checked on the Hobbys tonight. No sign. So went home and completed my World Mammal List. Two hundred and sixty-five species. Went to the Botanic Gardens in Cambridge earlier on in the day, where a Ruddy Darter was the highlight.
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Monday, 15 September 2014
In Cambridge today but managed to quickly check on the Hobbys: Two juveniles still along Fowlmere Road. Also twenty Grey Partridge in one large covey.
Saturday, 13 September 2014
Weather system looked very promising for eastern migrants, so a last minute decision was to go to Norfolk for the afternoon with Michelle. Started by dipping a Barred Warbler at Burnham Ovary, and apart from lots of Wheatears (mostly Greenland?)and a couple of Whinchats, there were very few migrants around. After dropping Michelle at Holt I then had a bash around Salthouse. Three Hobbys when I arrived, but still no migrant passerines. A short sea-watch did however produce two Balearic Shearwaters.
Then onto Cley, which was equally quiet so decided to collect Michelle and sit and have a couple of beers and something to eat at Salthouse instead.
Friday, 12 September 2014
Willow Emerald and Hobbys
Went to Amwell early afternoon for another attempt at the Willow Emeralds. This time with more success…
On the way back I checked in on the Hobbys. Two juveniles present, but also an adult! Maybe they’re all still around but just more widely dispersed? Also in the field was a single adult Yellow-legged Gull amongst the Lesser Black-backed Gulls following the plough.
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Hobbys and Amwell
Finished work a touch early to get to Amwell to see if I could catch up with the Willow Emeralds that had been reported in the last few days. Unfortunately left a bit late, and caught traffic so didn’t arrive until it was cooling down and didn’t much apart from a huge number of Migrant Hawkers. Didn’t really check the main pit, but did see Cetti’s Warbler and Kingfisher.
Three juvenile Hobbys at dusk along Fowlmere Road.
Monday, 8 September 2014
Just a single juvenile Hobby this evening. Went to Cambridge Botanic Gardens earlier, where a Blackcap was present.
Sunday, 7 September 2014
Hobbys and Therfield
Three juvenile Hobbys still in the usual spot later afternoon. Earlier in the day, whilst waiting for Sam’s football, I had a quick walk around Therfield to check for migrants. Only two: a flyover Yellow Wagtail and a Red Admiral.
Saturday, 6 September 2014
Just the three juvenile Hobbys again this afternoon. Earlier in the day I went for a walk with Michelle for a few hours around organic farmland just north of Burwash Manor. Very large number of Dragonflies (Emperor, Migrant Hawker, and Common Darter), Chicory in abundance, and a Tufted Duck. But also huge promise for the winter (thinking Owls, Buntings, and maybe even a Shrike). Will definitely be checking it out.
Friday, 5 September 2014
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Fowlmere and Hobbys
Fowlmere first thing before work. First visit for a long time. Not a lot apart from a couple of Turtle Doves in the fog.
Visited the Hobbys at dusk to see if any adults were coming into roost. Stayed until dark and only saw the three juveniles. Another bird was seen in silhouette very late, but think it may have been a bird flying out of the roost. A good number (twenty?) of Grey Partridges were seen or heard.
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Another check on the Hobbys tonight. The three juveniles in a similar place to last night, just south of their roost spot. Flying about strongly but also spending time on the ground. About one hundred Lesser Black-backed Gulls in the newly ploughed field too. Managed to get a few shots. Pretty sure the bird in the grass is ‘our’ bird. though hard to tell now.
Monday, 1 September 2014
A walk around the fields to check on the Hobbys with Michelle. Not in their usual place, and were about to head home when we heard them distantly. Eventually we got good views of all three juveniles followed by an adult bringing in food. Great to see them all in the air together.