A free day, and headed to North Norfolk for dawn. Decided on Holme as was the nearest place, and was normally free from crowds. A real “pea-souper”. Very limited visibility but also very promising. It wasn’t good. Hardly a migrant. No Robins ticking or Redwings flying in.
So moved to Burnham Norton where I walked all the way to Holkham and back. Same thing. Best I could find was a male Brambling, presumably a migrant, though the sun at least burnt away the fog. Then whilst nearing the car ‘found’ a Great White Egret. No longer a BB rarity, but a good find all the same, even though I later realised I wasn’t the only one looking at it, and it had already been reported. It is also one of the world’s dullest birds in my opinion. Here’s a video to prove it (the Pink-footed Geese in the background noise are more interesting!)
Enough ‘birding’. Time for some twitching. Burnham Norton for the Steppe Grey Shrike. Showed fantastically.

Then finally went to Titchwell to see if I could find one of the two Yellow-browed Warblers which were in the carpark. I didn’t, thought did here one. Didn’t have time to visit the reserve properly.
So a quiet but enjoyable day on the coast.