Monday, 29 June 2015

Scarce Chaser at Amwell

A very quick visit to Amwell at lunchtime to try to catch up with the reported Norfolk Hawkers and Scarce Chaser (or Chasers?). When I arrived I met people who had been looking for several hours, with only one possible and brief view of two Norfolk Hawkers, apparently driven off by Emperors. I wasn’t hopeful, and did indeed fail on the Norfolk Hawkers, but did manage a male Scarce Chaser; these are only the first records of both species in Hertfordshire.

Earlier in the day, a Red Kite circled over Foxton, viewable from my office window.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Botanic Gardens

Cambridge Botanic GardensUsed my phone to snap a shot of the wildflowers in the Botanic Gardens, Cambridge at lunchtime. Quite a few dragonflies on the wing, but sadly very few butterflies. I think the poor weather over the previous few weeks has hit them hard.

Then took a walk into Cambridge but failed to see the Peregrines nesting on the Pitt building.

Swifts at home appear to be feeding young.

Cambridge Botanic Gardens
24 June 2015 13:09 - 13:43
Sunny 23C 8SW
Mallard, Moorhen, Woodpigeon, Swift, Carrion Crow, Blue Tit (heard), Coal Tit (heard), Wren (heard), Blackbird, Robin (heard), Chaffinch (heard), Comma, Red-eyed Damselfly, Azure Damselfly, Emperor Dragonfly, Broad-bodied Chaser

EDIT 25/06/2015: Looks very similar to this post two years ago today.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Noar Hill

Noar HillA day out with Michelle in Hampshire. First to Gilbert White’s House which was interesting. Then to Winchester for lunch and a walk. Then back to Selbourne to Noar Hill. Fantastic site, but failed to find the target of Frog Orchid. Did see Common Spotted, Common Fragrant, Musk (good numbers), Pyramidal, and Early Purple Orchid, as well as numerous Common Twayblade. Several Small Skippers were my first of the year too.

The good thing about not seeing the Frog is that we can try again next year.

Common Fragrant OrchidPyramidal Orchid with Forester MothMusk Orchid

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Cretzschmar’s Bunting

Another week, another Welsh Island, another tick. This time Cretzschmar’s Bunting on Barsdey (went with Daryl Bryant). Great bird (seen well but briefly). Beautiful island. Lovely sunny day.

Waiting for the 7:30 boat over…

Porth Meudwy, Aberdaron Bay

On the 7:30 boat over…

The boat

The bird…!

Cretzschmar's Bunting

Looking out from the island (a lot of the small dots are actually Grey Seals)…

Bardsey Island Grey Seal

More views of the island…

Bardsey Island Bardsey Island

Had an hour to kill on the island afterwards (we needed to move away to let the next boat load view – the previous boat had to do the same for us). Similar sorts of birds were seen to the Skokholm island trip a few weeks ago, the only additional birds for the year being the numerous Manx Shearwaters seen on the boat over and from the island.

18 June 2015 08:00 - 11:11
Sunny 16C 5W
Shelduck, Manx Shearwater, Gannet, Cormorant, Shag, Oystercatcher, Puffin, Razorbill, Guillemot, Kittiwake, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, Chough, Magpie, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, Swallow, House Martin, Stonechat, Wheatear, Pied Wagtail, Meadow Pipit, Rock Pipit, Goldfinch, Linnet, Cretzschmar's Bunting, Grey Seal

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Hudsonian Whimbrel Tick!

Pagham HarbourWas set for another attempt at the Hudsonian Whimbrel last night, but it went missing all afternoon, and wasn’t seen again until the evening. It did the same today, but a message came out at 5:30 to say it was still there. Unfortunately the M25 was like a carpark (I actually changed direction from anti-clockwise to clockwise!) and so it took and age to get there. Arrived in rapidly fading light at high tide and began a sprint to the bird. Bumped into a birder coming the other way and was told it had flown into the middle of the harbour out of view. Terrific. Decided I’d spend the night in the car and try in the morning as I didn’t fancy another drive down.

However, there were about half a dozen birders who had just been watching it and it wasn’t too distant. It was out of view but I set my scope up on the spot and hoped. Light was fading fast. Eventually the bird came into view. It began to preen and I saw no white on the rump (which I would have glimpsed). It then wandered out of view again. Just about tickable I decided, so wasn’t going to sleep in the car. Phew! Five minutes later it wandered out again, and then flew. Now properly on the list. It actually flew a few times after that one time fairly close. I even managed a couple of photos (despite it being nearly dark). Eventually it flew off some distance just before nightfall and I (and the other birders) left.

Hudsonian Whimbrel Hudsonian Whimbrel

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Hudsonian Whimbrel Dip

Hudsonian Whimbrel at Church Norton, Pagham Harbour. Went after work as was in Cambridge for the day. Sailed through the M25 and arrived in two hours. No news all the way down until about 10 miles away when news came through that it had flown into the middle of the Harbour and the directions on Birdguides seemed to suggest that it may be better to look from the Pagham Harbour end, so I diverted there. I was the only one there. Scanned for half an hour, walked around the harbour as far as I could. Then could see people looking at the bird from the Church Norton side. It took me an hour to get from my position to Church Norton. I arrived just before dusk. There had been no sign for over an hour. I’d probably seen the bird but a terrible dip because of that message from Birdguides. Not the first time they’ve messed up Angry smile (although to be fair I guess they were just relaying a message).  One of my worst dips ever, not because of the distance (it only took a couple of hours) but the bad luck I seemed to have. To add insult to injury, there were apparently three Whimbrels (apart from the Hudsonian). I got on to all three and watched intently. One bird looked highly promising until it flew and revealed a nice white rump! Year ticks I suppose.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Swainson’s Thrush

Martin's HavenTwitched the Swainson’s Thrush on Skokholm Island, along with twelve others. Rough wet journey over and took us the best part of an hour to get the boat in. Indeed, it looked like we wouldn’t be able to make land at one point and we might have to be content with watching the Puffins and Seals…



Puffin Grey Seal

Raining on the island but the Thrush was showing…

Swainson's Thrush

And then the sun came out…

Skokholm Island

…and I took a few photos of Herring Gulls and Oystercatchers and the likes…

Herring Gull Oystercatcher

Back on the mainland I walked to the top of the cliff and Martin’s Haven where there were a couple of Chough and a wonderful view of Skomer Island in the sun…

Chough Skomer Island

Martin's Haven
05 June 2015
Gannet, Razorbill, Kittiwake, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, Chough, Whitethroat, House Sparrow, Meadow Pipit, Goldfinch

05 June 2015 10:41 - 12:19
Sunshine and heavy showers 13C 17W
Gannet, Cormorant, Shag, Buzzard, Oystercatcher, Puffin, Razorbill, Guillemot, Kittiwake, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Magpie, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, Raven, Skylark, Swallow, Chiffchaff, Swainson's Thrush, Blackbird, Spotted Flycatcher, Pied Wagtail, Meadow Pipit, Rabbit, Grey Seal, Red Admiral