Awoke early so went to Fowlmere. Nothing too exciting, just a perched Buzzard.
Late afternoon myself and the kids joined a Fowlmere Bufinches expedition to Lakenheath. A good turn-out with two minibuses and several cars.
Initially we split in to two groups and walked in opposite directions around the reserve. Highlights during were Bearded Tit (male), Grasshopper Warbler (good views) and two Barn Owls, along with several Marsh Harriers. Unfortunately no Golden Orioles were seen (or heard) and the other group also managed a flyover Crane!
Although for the most part sunny, we were caught in a heavy shower towards the end of the day and things did not look good as we drove through heavy rain towards our planned Nightjar ringing session nearby, just north of Santon Downham. Fortunately the rain stopped and we had good views of several birds at dusk as well as two Woodcocks. With the nets set up, a male Whitethroat was caught shortly before nightfall, and just prior to the rain starting again, we were fortunate to catch a single male Nightjar.
Reed Buntings by Tom