Sunday, 2 August 2009


L’Echalp The thought of Christophe at dawn didn't appeal (I'd slogged around for several hours the day before), so we decided we'd drive to Briancon and the Queyras National Park. We did so in torrential rain and heavy thunderstorms (the first rain in the area for some considerable time!) Driving on the mountain roads was therefore slow and we didn't arrive at Briancon until late morning. However, as soon as we did, the rain stopped and the sun shone for the whole afternoon.

L’Echalp After looking around Briancon (more nesting Crag Martins) we drove slowly through the park to L’Echalp near the Italian border. A lunch stop at Vieille produced a Short-toed Eagle and a pair of Honey Buzzards. A Red-backed Shrike was seen soon after whilst driving. L’Echalp looked promising for Partridge, but none were seen. New birds for the trip included Peregrine (immature), a Yellowhammer pair, a Bonelli’s Warbler and Whinchat (both found by Michelle), and Serin. Several Common Crows were also noted and it was interesting to note that they were corone (we were apparently right on the zone of overlap were they change to Hooded.) Several Chamois were seen distantly as well as closer Fox hunting on the mountain slope. I hoped it would flush out a Partridge, but of course it didn't.

The highlight however was found whilst walking back to a car: A Nutcracker. It frustratingly called out of site at the top of conifers for several minutes before eventually showing itself in flight.