Terrible weather to start the year with gusts of 44mph. First bird of the year was a Blackbird (heard only) followed by Black-headed Gulls. Started at Titchwell. Usual array of ducks and waders as well as a Cetti’s Warbler heard. A twenty minutes sea-watch produced some Red-breasted Mergansers and two Velvet Scoters amongst the Common Scoter. This Black-headed Gull joined me whilst looking out to sea, hoping for some food.
The return walk to the visitors centre produced a female Merlin and this Water Rail and more of the same.
I then needed to go to Burnham Deepdale to buy some binoculars for a friend. Whilst there the heavens opened and it poured for the next few hours. I drove to Holme and ate my sandwiches in the car before deciding I had to venture out. A complete waste of time really as I couldn’t see a thing, managing only to add Stonechat and Skylark to the new year list.
Deciding after an hour that enough was enough and that if I was going to stay out I needed to be in a hide, I returned to Titchwell. Pretty much the same stuff as before, though the rain stopped, and I did also get great views of a Black-throated Diver as it drifted closely in to the shore. A Chinese Water Deer and a Woodcock were seen at dusk.