Saturday, 26 January 2008

Starlings and Fowlmere

Amazingly it seems as though the pair of Starlings in the roof above out bedroom have nestlings. Michelle and I heard them begging for food every time an adult flew in at dawn this morning. A look outside suggested that two birds were indeed collecting fat from the feeders and carrying it into a hole under the thatch. About three months premature according to BWP.

A one hour walk in the sun around Fowlmere early morning wasn't helped by the blustery wind. A single Snipe was all I could find.

Edit (15/04/2010): Apparently females regularly 'beg' for food from males as part of their courtship. This must be what was happening. Still very early, but a bit more reasonable.

Edit (16/04/2010): The 'begging' (or rather 'demanding') behaviour only occurs in the later stages of courtship, once the female has been impregnated and requires extra food to supplement the developing eggs. So still a mystery!