Sunday, 27 January 2008

Garden Bird Watch, Wimpole Estate, Fowlmere

Similar weather to yesterday to begin with: sunny and mild, but with a string chilling wind. I left the children to do the RSPB Garden Bird Watch and they recorded the following:


Afterwards we took a family walk to Wimpole , where I knew that Lesser-spotted Woodpeckers bred. Unsurprisingly, with no information as to where to go (the site is secret) and the vast size of the estate, we failed to find any with a Green Woodpecker being the only woodpecker seen.

The wind had died when I walked around Fowlmere for the last hour or so before dark. The wintering Barn Owl was seen, and the year's first Tawny Owl heard. A (the?) Snipe also dropped in at dusk, and it or another could be heard in flight as I left.