Wednesday 13 August 2008

Breeding Garden Birds

Haven't seen the Swifts for a while, and assuming they've all left. Disappointingly, they didn't bread this year. Will miss the screaming parties over the garden, particularly as there hasn't been much chance this summer to sit outside and listen to them (yet another day of heavy rain today.)

Birds that did attempt breeding actaully in the garden were:
Wood Pigeon - still nesting.
Collared Dove - still nesting somewhere close, but not in garden; previous brood or broods failed?
Dunnock - second brood; first brood probably failed.
Robin - feeding young earlier in year, but no juveniles seen.
Blackbird - fledged.
Blue Tit - no breeding this year (though pair very interested in nestbox at one point); family party visitng feeders regularly.
Great Tit - pair abandoned nest; family party ofen seen on feeders.
House Sparrow - nesting attempt made, but probably aborted.
Chaffinch - there is an obvious resident pair, but cannot find the nest, possibly outside the garden.