Thursday 6 November 2008

Waxwings at Shepreth L-moor

After giving up trying to brave the traffic to Peterborough for work, I went to a foggy Shepreth and spent a good hour there. Many thrushes as usual feeding on the numerous berries, and very interesting views of a young Wood Mouse (possibly Yellow-necked?) foraging. It was completely unperturbed by my presence, so much so that I was able to pick it up.

Siskins flew over, plus (rather curiously) my first ever Sparrowhawk at Shepreth, a large female. I then heard a trilling call I was vaguely familiar with but could not put a name to. I walked towards it and noticed three Starlings fly over which at first I ignored. I then realised that they were actually Waxwings, the source of the call. The misty conditions didn't help, but I was able to note the generally pale colour compared to Starling, the smaller size, and the different flight pattern.