Sunday 9 August 2009

Deadman’s Hill

Myself and Tom spent several hours on Deadman's Hill near Sandon in the hope of seeing the very elusive male Montaugu's Harrier. Unfortunately we failed but had an excellent time seeing a total of six or seven species of Raptor:
Marsh Harrier - difficult to tell numbers but at least five juveniles.
Red Kite - three.
Peregrine - one briefly.
Hen Harrier - possible ringtail but too distant to conclusively identify.
Kestrel - several.
Sparrowhawk - one.
Buzzard - up to ten.

In addition, we also heard Quail and Yellow Wagtail and saw a pair of Grey Partridges with a number of chicks. Tom also caught (and lost!) a rodent, probably a Field Vole, and found and photographed (on my phone) this Four Spot Orb Weaver spider.

Four Spot Orb Weaver

Elsewhere, in the garden there were three very fresh Painted Lady butterflies on buddleia and at Gog Magog there was a pair of very vocal nesting Sparrowhawks.

In the evening, a couple of late Swifts ('ours'?) circled the garden with hirrundines.