Sunday 21 March 2010


With a change in the weather to more spring-like conditions and southerly wings, I eventually managed to escape working in the garden for the weekend (where I did see the year’s first Brimstone) and headed to Fowlmere mid-afternoon. At Manor Farm there were two Wheatears (a very smart male, and a briefly seen – probable -  female.) Apart from a Siskin and a Buzzard, that was about it so I headed to Therefield Heath to check for more Wheatears, where there were none! The usual Skylarks and Meadow Pipits were holding territories in good numbers and a Buzzard and about two hundred Golden Plovers (in fields immediately to the north were noted.) I then headed to Shepreth L-moor, which held three pairs of Yellowhammer. Finally, Shepreth Pits (as it will be from now on known!) held three Tufted Ducks.

No Redwing or Fieldfare were seen all afternoon.
