Sunday 29 August 2010

Dinosaur Provincial Park

Last day in Canada with a planned visit to the fascinating Dinosaur Provincial Park.
However, before that, myself and Tom had another crack at Kinbrook. On the way we had excellent views of a Great-horned Owl and whilst there had a vireo that could have been either Cassin’s or Blue-headed. Tom also had another Western Meadowlark which I missed, though I did fortunately find a pair just as we were leaving the park. Only mammals we got were road-kills: White-tailed Jack Rabbit and North American Porcupine.
Dinosaur ParkDinosaur Park
Dinosaur Park On to the park where we drove through large (100+) flocks of Brewer’s Blackbirds. We had a great time though the trail next to the marshes was infested with mosquitoes which the others were less keen on, particularly as we didn’t see a lot, and just heard a Pheasant! In fact apart from myself, everyone gave up at one point or another and returned to the car. It was at this point Sam called out a large raptor which turned out to be an American White Pelican.I missed it (I’d already missed one that Tom saw earlier) though I did manage poor views of one later in the day on the return drive to Calgary a distant and rather disappointing flight view and my last new bird in Canada.
As for wildlife, apart from that already mentioned, Tom saw a Mountain Cottontail and we saw the following additional birds:

Lark Sparrow

Western Kingbird
x 5 ( just outside the park.)
Say’s Phoebe x 2
Rock Wren x 2
Prairie Falcon
Lark Sparrow
x 2
Zonotrichia sparrow – bird photographed.
Dinosaur Park
Apart from the above mentioned Pelican, several more Swainson’s Hawks and Red-necked Hawks, as well as a Northern Harrier and a Common Grackle were seen on the drive to a very wet Calgary. We arrived at the airport in plenty of time for Michelle to do some last minute shopping.
Map picture

Edit 20/09/2010:
The Vireo was Cassin's Vireo.
The “Zonotrichia” sparrow is actually a Lark Sparrow, probably a juvenile…