Sunday 27 November 2011

Geese, Swans, and Owls

A Tundra Bean Goose at Tyttenhanger mid-morning had me travelling into Herts. Not present when I first arrived but I managed to relocate it with two White-fronted Geese and five Greylags.

This photo of the Bean Goose and the White-fronted Geese was taken by Alan Reynolds as I was standing next to him…

Geese by Alan Reynolds

A Red Kite was seen on the way around Welwyn.

I then made my way to a very quiet Amwell, where three Snipe and a Buzzard was about the long and short of it before heading for home to collect the kids and head towards Burwell Fen for where Short-eared Owls had been seen in good numbers recently. We drove around for a couple of hours but didn’t locate any until I found one at dusk, which in the end showed very nicely. Whilst searching though, we did manage to find seven Whooper Swans, a Peregrine, and a flock of about twenty White-fronted Geese. There were also a few Sika Deer seen.

All in all, a very good day!