Wednesday 20 June 2012

Little Egret and Swifts

Spent about an hour on and off in the garden at dusk checking on the Swifts. Hopefully good news as this e-mail details…

As I suspected, according to BWP, Swifts mate for life and often return to the same site. If one bird dies out of breeding season, the other bird may return to the site and try to attract a new mate (even if survivor is a female apparently). I’m guessing this is what happened last year as there was only one bird. Presumably the same bird is back for (at least) its 7th year and has hopefully attracted a mate. I’m fairly sure there are two birds in there though the single bird could have sneaked out and back in again. I’ll keep an eye on them. – Toby

Whilst waiting, a Little Egret flew over, probably on its way to roost at the pool at Wimbush Manor in Shepreth where they’ve been seen a few times. It was certainly heading that way. New for the garden, and indeed for Foxton! Collecting a lots of mosquito bites was the downside.

The Botanic Gardens at lunchtime held the usual suspects as well as a not so usual Pheasant.

Cambridge Botanic Gardens
20 June 2012 13:29 - 13:59
Patchy cloud 21C 7E
Mallard, Pheasant (heard), Moorhen, Woodpigeon, Swift, Blue Tit (heard), Blackcap (heard), Blackbird, Robin, Chaffinch (heard)