Saturday 18 May 2013

Two tick day?

Dusky ThrushKent for a Dusky Thrush and Early Spider Orchid. Dusky Thrush (1W female) was easy enough to find at Margate Cemetery, but now some doubts as to whether it’s not a Naumann’s intergrade apparently. Notes I took said dark-brown spots (apparently they should be black). Didn’t see anything else to indicate Naumann’s, but then I didn’t think they looked like that anyway. Grotty picture taken of a very skulky bird as well as a skulking Ring-necked Parakeet.

Ring-necked Parakeet

Then to look for the orchid. I slogged around Temple Ewell Down near Dover for a couple of hours without seeing any orchids at this apparently orchid rich site. Realising everything must be late (Lesser Celandine and Bluebells were out), and having read that they flower a couple of weeks earlier at nearby Samphire Hoe on the coast, I went there and found quite a few. A nice looking plant at a great location.

Samphire Hoe

Early Spider Orchid Early Spider Orchid