Tuesday 7 July 2015

Bwindi ‘Neck’

A slow drive and birding day along the ‘Neck’ of Bwindi. Another good day. Not as exciting as yesterday as we were birding on the road along the forest edges, but had an Apalis clean-up day: Black-faced Apalis, Black-throated Apalis, Black-capped Apalis, Chestnut-throated Apalis, Buff-throated Apalis, Grey Apalis, Ruwenzori Apalis. All ticks, and apart from Black-throated, none (for definite) seen again.
Downside was that I glimpsed a MacKinnon’s Shrike. We were late, and I got out of the car to look. It disappeared into a bush and didn’t show. Deo and Luke told me to get back into the car as we would easily see lots in the days to come. We didn’t! Will never make that mistake again. Compounded by the fact that I picked out a Double-toothed Barbet five minutes later and we had to wait for fifteen minutes for everyone to get on it!

Earlier in the day I took some video of children dancing at an orphanage in a village.
