Monday 5 April 2010

Amwell, The Lodge, and Fowlmere

Started at Amwell at midday. Not a great deal:

Sand Martin x c. 40
House Martin
Redshank x 6
Buzzard x 2+

Myself and Tom also took a few photos. The excellent Robin being Tom’s:



Reed Bunting

Then went for the usual Two-barred Crossbill dip at the Lodge. Just the usual forty or so Common Crossbills and a couple of Buzzards.

Finally went to Fowlmere just before dark to try for the Cetti’s Warbler. It was calling, but refused to show. The first Blackcap was also singing nearby. An interesting falcon was seen on the way, which I initially thought to be a Kestrel. However, I’m convinced it was an adult Hobby due to the head pattern, underside streaking, and I’m sure I even saw red UTCs! Very early date for one if it was. Unfortunately it was a split second view, so I won’t claim it, but will be interesting to see if an early one is reported.