Sunday 9 October 2011

Amwell, Fowlmere, and around

Drove to Amwell late morning with the family. A dozen Redwings were seen in Fowlmere village along the way; the first of the winter. Amwell was very quiet. So quiet that I counted the large number of Coots: 377. A 1S/2w Yellow-legged Gull provided pretty much the only interest. A Cetti’s Warbler was heard and a single Buzzard noted, as well as a Migrant Hawker and four Common Darters.

Shepreth L-moor late afternoon held nothing of note, so on to Fowlmere which wasn’t a whole lot mote exciting. A Cetti’s Warbler was heard and a flyover Redwing was about it, though a late Bat sp. was seen whilst I was leaving at dusk.

In the evening, two Foxes were seen, one along Fowlmere Road, and one in the village, the first I’ve seen actually in the village since moving.