Saturday 23 August 2014

Hobbys and Dunnock

Went to check on the Hobbys with Marcus Kohler and was delighted to see all five birds. I was not so happy however to see one bird on the ground near to where our bird was picked up. I suspected it was our bird, and after watching the other birds for a while left Marcus and the cover of the wood and entered the field. Again I circled it so that it would fly towards the nest. I got very close to it and so it’s bill was covered in fresh blood. It had been fed. I got very close to it before it took flight and flew into the first (nest-less) tree. Happy that it looked fit, and was able to fly I took a quick photo of it and we left.


DunnockBack at home a family of Dunnocks were feeding in the garden when one of them decided to join us in the conservatory. Tom was able to catch it and release it at which point it flew into the apple tree.


I went back to the Hobbys early evening with Michelle. Two juveniles (including ours)  and an adult were present. The other adult and the strongest juvenile presumably hunting.