Tuesday 12 May 2015

Roseate Tern at Amwell

Went into town to meet up with some friends. Someone was just about to get another pint in, and I get a call to say there’s a Roseate Tern at Amwell. Just about ok to drive and there’s a train in five minutes! So I make my excuses, promise to meet up next week, and run to the station. Get the train home; run from the station to the car; dash to Amwell and arrive shortly after 8pm; dash up the track and across the tracks before the oncoming train gets there and sprint to the viewpoint. I see people looking high with their bin’s at terns that seem to be miles up. So I scream out: “Anyone on it?” Am told it’s the highest bird among the large number of Common Terns. Fortunately I get it immediately. Phew!!!

As it happened I watched if for the next hour and it stayed came back down and stayed until dusk. Ringed on both legs, and apparently from Coquet Island. I’d last attempted to see Roseate Tern at that exact spot in Northumbria after seeing the Bridled Tern in 1993.