Thursday 25 August 2016

Double Tick Day!

Strolling around the Botanic Gardens during a late lunch-break, I noticed an Emerald Damselfly. Great I thought, a new species for me here. Then, when it settled, I noticed it had pale pterostigma. Could it be a Willow Emerald? It certainly looked good. I got as close as I could without getting wet and it looked even better. But knowing that all young Lestes species can have pale pterostigmas, and with the last segments on the tail possibly showing pale blue, there was no choice but to walk back to the office to grab my bins. Whilst in the office, I had a quick browse on the web to remind myself of the Id features and upon my return was relieved to see it in the same place. And everything was perfect. No blue iridescence;  gold-coloured sheen on last segments; pale pterostigma surronded by a black border. Ye-hah! Managed to get a shockingly bad photo by holding my phone up to my bins. The dragonfly is in the middle!

Willow Emerald

So then, after spending the best part of two hours at lunch, and having to get some work done before I finish for a few days, I get a call from Ade Cooper to say there is a Tree Pipit at Fowlmere! Was told it was very elusive, but when I got there just before 6pm, it showed the best it had done for several hours. Today was my lucky day! An immaculate juvenile with a fairly weak facial pattern. The first for around twenty years apparently.

Tree PipitTree Pipit

Cambridge Botanic Gardens
25 August 2016 14:00 - 15:35
Sunny after heavy showers 27C 3NE
Woodpigeon, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Goldcrest (heard), Blue Tit, Blackcap, Robin, Large White, Small White, Willow Emerald Damselfly, Southern Hawker, Brown Hawker, Common Darter

25 August 2016 17:50 - 18:55
Sunny 23C 3NE
Pheasant, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Woodpigeon, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Magpie, Jackdaw, Swallow, Blackbird, Tree Pipit, Chaffinch, Bullfinch

Edit (27/08/2016): I gave the directions to Andy Symes who, obviously armed with a proper camera, took a couple of decent shots which I’m sure he won’t mind me using…

Willow Emerald by Andy Symes